Cerebral mind Health
Good cerebral mind health ensures our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we handle stress, make decisions, think critically, and communicate with others. When balanced, good cerebral mind health provides peace of mind, internal peace, and happiness. Sjógrens Syndrome Sjögren's syndrome is a debilitating autoimmune disease characterized by dry eyes and dry mouth. In this disorder, the body's immune system attacks its own healthy cells that produce saliva and tears. As Sjögren's advances, it can also target connective tissue and joints, leading to extreme fatigue. This syndrome often coexists with other autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. While treatments like eye drops, medications, and eye surgery can help manage symptoms, there is currently no cure. Research efforts are crucial in advancing our understanding and treatment of this condition. Sjögren's syndrome typically affects individuals aged 40 and older, but it can also impact younger people, including children. Women are particularly affected, being up to 10 times more likely to develop Sjögren's syndrome than men, possibly due to the influence of sex hormones on the immune system.
Reservation Form:
2025 Events
Golf for Cerebral Mind Health and Sjógrens Syndrome research and cures.
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be included. Silent Auction and Golf contest winners will be announced at the dinner.
Golf Club location TBD by December, 2024.
Please fill out the below form for Golf for Cerebral Mind Health and Sjógrens Syndrome. Please indicate how many foursomes you are reserving and we will provide pricing and logistics once we have secured the event venue.